Child Mental Health Training

New 2024 Training Course

Book this course

Course Summary

This is a full-day 6-hour training designed to equip school staff with the appropriate awareness of child mental health. This course will complement any other Child Mental Health courses you have undertaken before and is more for staff who already have experience of working with children who are particularly at risk of developing poor mental health. This course is practical and explores how to write recovery plans to support pupils who have issues in different areas. 

Lots of mental health practitioners describe their role as ‘firefighting’ regarding treating people with mental health issues. Wouldn’t it be great if schools spotted the triggers in children and young people got the help they needed before it developed into something serious? This training is looking at the main conditions and gives you the chance to develop action plans and think critically about what resources would be best suited to your setting.

How much does the course cost?

  • Each booking request will be quoted for and the cost will be based on your requirements. Please use the form below to request a booking and get a price.

Please book as early as you can so we can ensure that you get your resource pack before the training day arrives. You receive a certificate from NW Autism and SEND, in addition to this pack.

Group bookings, for example in a school, can be arranged for dates to fit in with your venue.

Key areas of focus

  • Latest Child mental health statistics and the government's response to this
  • Adverse Childhood experiences (ACEs)
  • Anxiety & depression 
  • Neurodiversity including pathological demand avoidance (PDA)
  • Eating disorder including Avoidant restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID)
  • Emotionally available adults and empathetic listening 
  • Anger issues
  • Whole school/setting thinking and good practice

Learning Outcomes

  • ACEs and how this affects individual in you setting and what impact this has on a child's mental health
  • What is self-harm and how to support a child suffering with this including how to write a recovery plan to aid the child within your setting
  • To have a better understanding anxiety & depression and how this presents itself in children and find ways to support them when waiting lists are too long
  • To use anxiety intervention examples and practice how you can use this in your setting with different children
  • To understand the key differences between autism and in particular pathological demand avoidance and how different strategies can lead to success in supporting children who are at risk
  • Signs and symptoms eating disorder and Avoidant restrictive eating disorders and how to support pupils suffering with this including writing a recovery plan to help the child cope in your setting
  • How Emotionally available adults and empathetic listening can make the difference to vulnerable children at risk of poor mental health with strategies to deal with children in crisis
  • Whole school/setting thinking and good practice to use in your setting and how to assess the well-being of children before and after any intervention

What you will get with the course

  • Online small interactive session (up to 20 delegates currently via Zoom).
  • You will receive a resource pack prior to the training to be used alongside training and within your real-world environment. 
  • Certified by NW Autism & SEND, a CPD provider using highly specialised and experienced teachers.
  • A certificate to confirmed you have attended the training and can use this certificate as proof of extra studying in the area of child mental health.

Book an Upcoming Course

Child Mental Health Training

Bookings Terms & Conditions

  • Normal Allocation: All courses will be filled on a first come first served basis, unless otherwise specified. Once a course is full a reserve list will be kept and any places becoming available will be offered to the reserve list in the order of when NW Autism & SEND Consultancy were notified of interest.
  • Confirmed bookings: No bookings will be accepted without a completed booking form being returned and received by NW Autism & SEND Consultancy and where applicable, with accompanying payment. Bookings will only be confirmed at the point the delegate received written confirmation that they have been allocated a placed on a specified training course.
  • Bookings by an organisation: An organisation booking on training courses on behalf of their employees/volunteers is responsible for ensuring nominated individuals are aware of these terms and conditions and that no places are guaranteed until a booking is confirmed in writing, as per ‘Confirmed bookings’ above.


Cancellation by NW Autism & SEND Consultancy  

  • In the event of NW Autism & SEND Consultancy having to cancel a training course, all delegates will receive confirmation in writing and a full refund.

Cancellation by a delegate of delegate’s organisation

In the event of a delegate or their organisation cancelling a training course the following will apply:

  • All cancellations must be in writing
  • You should try and give as much notice as possible if you need to cancel a booking
  • Cancellation changes are as fellows per person
  • At least 30 days’ notice before the date of the course: 10% of the total cost
  • At least 20 days’ notice before the date of the course: 50% of the total close
  • 19 days’ notice or less before the date of the course: no refund given

(Where a delegate can be substituted for another delegate from the same organisation cancellation charged may not apply).

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